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We are four college students of University of Padova.
The main focus of the blog is to critically analyze several religious issues, matters and conflicts from all over the world.

Wednesday 7 January 2015


Recently, the US publicly stated that “Israel is the only democratic State of the entire Middle East”. The case I am going to report now clearly contradicts this statement: Israel is NOT a democratic State.. not even close.
June 3rd, 2014: A unanimous rejection met the appeal of 21 members of the “Ani-Israeli” (I am Israeli) association headed by the linguist Professor (emeritus) Uzzi Ornan. Their request? Being registered as Israeli nationals, instead of the common practice of registering the nationality according to their ethnicity and religion. Jews, Arabs, Burmeses, Druzes and Russians were the ones presenting the petition.
The verdict is clear: there is NOT and there CANNOT BE one nationality for all Israeli citizens. The state may and does openly and officially discriminate between its citizens according to their religious and ethnic origins.
According to Hon. Rubinstein, “The State of Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State is a highly precious pledge deposited in our hands, it is the realization of the Zionist idea, it is the only Jewish state on earth, while it must aspire to offer appropriate equality for minorities; and this court cannot be expected to erode its essence and its character.” Kind of perplexing, right? How can you protect the “essence and character” of the Jewish State, while granting “appropriate” equality to minorities? And what exactly does it mean, “appropriate”?
The truth is, citizens of “Jewish nationality” are treated differently from citizens of other “nationalities” – especially from citizens who have “Arab nationality”. It happens just about anywhere.. from the border control checkpoints, to the military government’s checkpoints in the occupied territories, in the Ministry of the Interior. “AdministrationA non-Jewish citizen going abroad for a few years will discover that his or her citizenship had been revoked. A Jew may always present oneself after being absent for dozens of years and enjoy the perks of “the Law of Return”. Spouses and even children of non-Jewish citizens normally are not recognized for citizenship and mostly not even allowed residency”.
The entry gates to the Jewish state are, and always will be, hermetically locked for all those who were not born Jewish or had not converted into Judaism.
Now, how is this “democratic”?


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