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We are four college students of University of Padova.
The main focus of the blog is to critically analyze several religious issues, matters and conflicts from all over the world.

Wednesday 10 December 2014


This is the video of the Dalai Lama’s speech that he pronounced accepting the Nobel Prize for peace on the 10th December 1989, in Oslo. The Dalai Lama was awarded because he was leading a movement of non-violent protest against the Chinese government.
The Dalai Lama (the word means “Ocean of wisdom”) is the most important spiritual authority of the Tibetan Buddhism. For many years he was also the political leader of Tibet, a Western-China region which wants to grow away from the Chinese Popular Republic to become an independent State. For this reason in 1950, when the maoists took the power and their aim was to repress the buddhism, the Dalai Lama escaped from his land and found refuge in India. In this way he began to live in exile, becoming an important religious leader for the people from all-over the world.
The Dalai Lama “acceptance speech” reveals us his position about Tibet and and his ideals about the society and the religions. At the beginning he thanked the Nobel Prize Commitee for the recognition received, then the religious leader expressed the big suffering of the Tibetan people for the Chinese occupation and he remembered the students’ mobilization from the whole country against the regime of Beijing. He said that this mobilization was inspired by Ghandi’s action in India. The Dalai Lama affirmed the necessity to start negotiations between China and Tibet with the aim to live in peace and to stabilize the respect for everyone. Infact all the people have the right to their self-determination and no one can block this process using force. Subsequently he began to talk about more general topics. In particular the Dalai Lama affirmed the necessity to spread, in the societies, values like love and compassion. He thinks that all humans have the same right of freedom. Therefore in his opinion the humanity should develop a common sensibility for the world's destinies and the religions should help the society thinking and operating positively for the future. At the end the Dalai Lama said that all the religions have the same God and the faithfuls of one can not be considered as enemies by the followers of another. With this speech the Dalai Lama wanted to send a message of hope. Infact his tone is conciliatory and his register is confidential. In some moments the speech is similar to a prayer. In this way the Dalai Lama is able to attract the attention of the public and to receive a strong applause.


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