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We are four college students of University of Padova.
The main focus of the blog is to critically analyze several religious issues, matters and conflicts from all over the world.

Wednesday 17 December 2014


Last year in the Canadian region of Quebec a controversial plan to abolish religious symbols in public places was being discussed. The problem had been  discussed for months, and tension was very high. The two opposing factions clashed harshly without arriving at a solution.
The bill proposed by “The parti Québécois” (PQ) in 2013 provided that all the public employees couldn’t show conspicuous religious symbols. Example of prohibited symbol were headscarves, yarmulkes, turbans, and big crucifixes. Instead little crucifixes, rings and other small items could be worn.
The people in favour of this plan argued that it was “essential” and “reflect who we are as a society”. According to them Quebec had always adapted to the influences of the various religions losing its identity.
The people against this plan thought it was “ discriminatory and unnecessary” and forced a lot of public employees to choose between work and faith. They recognized the importance of a secularism however they didn’t agree with this solution. They proposed an alternative, in which the ban concerned only those who had a position of authority.

This project died in 2014. The liberal won the election in April and the plan was abandoned.
The issue of religious symbols affects not only Quebec but different countries. In 2004 France abolished all religious symbols in public places. On one hand, there is the pressure of increasing secularism in society. On the other hand, this pressure responds to a perceived fear among the population towards minorities especially Islamic considered different and dangerous. Islam is often associated to ISIS and terrorist acts.
The discussion of this paper is in fact accompanied by a widespread Islamophobia. There have been several cases in Quebec of vandalism against mosques.
The problem is not solved yet, but it should address the issue in the right way to avoid violence.

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