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We are four college students of University of Padova.
The main focus of the blog is to critically analyze several religious issues, matters and conflicts from all over the world.

Wednesday 10 December 2014


This speech was addressed by the Russian President Vladimir Putin. It’s an interesting consideration about European’s Christian roots and how, apparently, Europe is trying to get rid of those roots, almost “ashamed” by them. According to Putin, we – and by we, I mean us Europeans – are rejecting these roots, and by doing so, we are “denying the moral basis and any traditional identity”. It’s interesting how the President of a former (or not so former) communist country suddenly appears as the savior of Christianity. He goes even further than that, linking the homosexual partnerships that are being acknowledged all around Europe (sadly, not in Italy.. yet) to our “faith in Satan”. Yes, Satan. It was supposed to be an official speech, and he was supposed to talk about Russia's relations with other countries, especially Europe, and yet, it somehow became the speech coming from an angry pastor chastising his followers. Europe has lost its sense of morality. According to our pastor Putin, we are promoting a real propaganda of pedophilia.. by allowing same sex couples to get married? By trying to keep the Church – any church, really – firmly separated from the State?
Putin strongly believes that Europeans are “frightened to admit” their being Christians. Christian holidays are being “abolished”, and yet we are all about to start our Christmas holidays.. or did something change without any of us noticing?
My sincere opinion about this speech is one and only: Vladimir Putin is trying to get on the good side of the Christian majority of Europe. He must be tired of always being the “bad guy”, compared to our strongest ally, the US. His final sentences are quite clear: “Such a unipolar world – of the USA – would mean the surrender of one’s own identity and of God-created diversity”. So THIS is what he was truly getting at.

 This one has probably been a smart move: there are, indeed, Christians that are protesting against what I would call progress, like equal rights and such. I am sure these people appreciated this speech. Me? Not so much.


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